Saturday 22 February 2020

Introduction of Islam in English speech

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ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،.     May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!   Dear audience! I have been given the
 honour to speak some words about 
'Introduction of Islam' before you. 
May Allah give us taufiq to follow
 the teachings of Islam in all 
spheres life! Allah says in the 
Holy Qur'an: إن الدين عند الله الإسلام.   Verily, the Religion before allah is islam.(Surah 
Aal imaran,3:19) At another place Allah says: 
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل 
منه وهو في الآخرة من اللخاسرين.Ifanyone
desires a religion other than Islam, never will it 
be accepted of him;and in the hereafter he will be in the
 ranks of those who have lost.(Surah aal-imaran, 3:85).  Islam is an Arabic word that means 
'submission' and surrendering to the 
will of the almighty allah. islam is the 
perfect from of the true religion and 
complete way of life.   The basic tenets of Islam include: 
oneness of Allah, belief in prophets 
and messenger, belief in Angeles,
 belief in Heavenly Books, belief in
 Destiny, bilief in Resurrection and belief
 in the Day of judgment, paradise 
and Hell etc.   Islam is a heavenly religion. The prophet 
of Islam is Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah 
bless him give him peace). Those who follow 
Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe 
in all messengers and prophets from 
Sayyidna Adam (peace be upon him)
to Sayyidna Isa (peace be upon him).    According to some traditions, there 
were more than one hundred thousand
 prophets throughout the world. These 
messengers amd prophets  were sent in
 all parts of the world and in all nations, 
whether we know their names or not.      The prophet Muhammad(Allah bless
 him and give him peace) is the last
 of this golden chain. He is the
 seal of the prophets, Upon him
 Allah Almighty completed His
 religion and finished the chain 
of spending prophets.    Now, the unlimited and final religion 
of Allah is Islam. it is the only religion
 that can guide the mankind to the way
 of Allah of Allah and grant them 
deliverance from Hellfire  Dear brothers! Islam is based on five 
major principles: (1),To testify that none 
has the right to be worshipped but
 Allah and Muhammad,is Allah Apostle.
(2) To perform five times Salah daily
 (3) To keep fast in the month of Ramadan.      (4) To pay yearly Zakah to the poor. 
(5) Yo perform Hajj once in lifetime. 
Respected Audience! The Holy Quran 
in the divine book that was revealed 
to our beloved, prophet Muhammad 
(Allah bless him give him and give
 him peace) by Allah.     The Qur'an is the base of all the Islamic 
beliefs and teachings. the prophet of islam,
 Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him
 pease) was born in Makkah. Islam 
 in Malkah. later the prophet
 migrated to Madina, Makka, MaDinah, 
and al-Quds are the holy sites in Islam.             Ka'aba i. Mak'ka is the center to which
 Muslin from around the global face 
in their daily prayers. Muslims 
perform special jumu'ah prayer 
on Friday and celebrate two festivals
 in a year; Eid al-fitr and Eid-al adhha.      Dear brothers! Today Islam is the 
second largest religion of the 
world. There are about 55 countries
 all across the world where Muslims 
are in Majority. most of these Muslim
 countries are in the continent
 of Asia and Africa.   While the other European, American 
and Australian continents have a 
 population of Muslim. Muslims
 constitute have a  considerable
 population of Muslims.Muslims
 constitute one fifth of the seven
 billion human population around the world.  Islam teaches universal brotherhood. 
it is the religion of equality and justice.
 it asserts that all human beings
 are equal with no difference of colour, 
caste and creed. Islam says that the
 best among People is one who is more pious.   The only criterion of 
honour in Islam is piety
 and virtue. Islam
 regards all human beings
 as family of all.    It encourages justice,
 transparency and good 
morals.islam prohibits
 injustice, oppression, social 
discrimination and bad morals.      Here i will conclude my talk with sincere prayers to Allah that he give us taufiq to follow true islam in every walk of life.
وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'

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