Friday 21 February 2020

The life of Muhammad SW Speech in English

Here you can watch the video on this topic by Sabdullah
The life of the prophet (S.W) ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،   May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!  Dear audience! Today i have the pride to 
speak some humble words about the head 
of all prophets and the seal of prophethood
 Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah bless him 
and give him peace) whom Allah called 
mercy for the universe saying: وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين."And we
 have not sent you but as mercy for 
all the worlds." (surah al-anbiya, 
21:107) At another place Allah Ta'ala
 says: وما أرسلناك إلا كافة للناس بشيرا 
ونذير  ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون.  "we did not send you (o prophet ) but to
 the entire mankind, as a bearer of good
 news and as a warner, but most people 
do not know."(surah al-noor, 34:28) The
 prophet (Allah bless him and give him
 peace ) was born in the noble Hashmi
 family of quraish tribes in makkah in 570 ad. His father Abdullah died before his
 birth . later, his mother Aminah and 
grandfather Abdul Muttalib also
 passed away while he was a child. 
so. he was brought up by his uncle
 Abu Talib.  He lived a fair and transparent life as
 young man. he used to graze the goats, 
help his uncle in his affairs and lead a 
simple life. later, he started undertaking
 trade caravans to  Syria. people called 
him al-Sadiq and al-Amin (truthful 
and trustworthy).  He was known in Makkah as honest, 
kind and respectful person. At twenty 
five, he married as a merchant widow 
Khadija who was forty years old. Dear
 audience! The Arabia was in 
miserable condition.  They had no literacy, no civilization
 and no perfect religion. They would
 engage in bloody racial and tribal 
wars. Woman had no status in 
society, even in some tribes
 newborn baby girls were buried 
alive due to Shame.     They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.       They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.  They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.   They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.  Other world religions in the sixth century 
had no part in life, Christianity had lost
 the teachings propagated by Sayyidna 
Isa (peace be upon him). Judaism was 
already a racial creed and the rabbis 
turned into looters.  India and other eastern countries 
were in full grip of idolatry and
 statue worship. The spirit of
 Buddhism and Jainism also gave 
way to brahminical
 distortion.  Dear brothers and Sisters! it was a taugh 
time for the humanity. The world was fast 
 asleep in the darknees of ignorance. The 
light of divine guidance was dimly lit at 
rare place. the humanity at large was 
shackled with ignorance, injustice and
 inequality. it eagerly awaited a saviour 
and a true messiah.  At last Allah granted prophet -hood 
to Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah
 bless him and give him peace) 
and sent him as mercy for 
all people. He invited people to
 Allah and condemned idol worship. he
 favoured equality and justice for all.   In The beginning, he and his companions
 faced opposition. they were tortured and 
even forced to migrate to
 madinah. at madinah, the prophet (allah 
bless him and give him peace) established
 an islamic state and conquered the
 whole Arabia within ten years.    The prophet (Allah bless him and give him
 peace) is the most towering personality 
of the history. 
he left immense influence on the human 
history. The prophet changed the course 
of history 
and brought about an all-round positive 
regulation in all spheres of life.    It is the Prophet's blessed
 advent which transformed 
every life and reshaped the 
moral and religious values.   We salute him with the depth 
of our hearts. may the 
blessings of Allah and his 
enetrnal peace upon the

 messenger!   وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'And the end of our 
call is praise be to Allah, 
the Lord of all the worlds!"

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