Tuesday 25 February 2020

The Holy Quran English speech by Sabdullah

الحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،  May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!Dear audience! Today, on this auspicious occasion, it is my pleasure to say some words on the topic of the Holy Quran. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان.   :As guidelines for mankind, and as clear signs that show the right way and distinguish between right and wrong."(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:185)
ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شيء وهدا ورحمة وبشرى للمسلمين. "And we have revealed to you the Book, and guidance, and mercy, and glad tidings for the Muslims."
(Surah al-Nahl,16:89).   Allah created mankind and wanted them to follow the Right path so that they propser in this world and the world hereafter. For this purpose, He sent down many messengers and prophets to guide the mankind. To every prophet and messenger, He revealed books or divine notes.      The major divine books are four: Torah was revealed to Sayyidna Moosa (peace be upon him), Zaboor was revealed to Sayyidna Dawood (peace be upon him), Injeel was revealed to Sayyidna Isa(peace be upon him) While the Qur'an was revealed to Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).Dear audience! The Holy Qur'an is the divine book sent down by Allah to his last and final prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). It was revealed to him through the angel, Sayyidna Jibril(peace be upon him).    The Qur'an was revealed within a period of 23 years in Makkah and Madinah. There are 114 chapters that consist of more than six thousand verses. The Qur'an is the only ever- living miracle. Today no other miracle of any prophet exists except the Qur'an..  According to a survey, the number of Huffaz (persons who have memorized the whole Qur'an) is more than 10 Million. Millions of its copies are printed in almost every part of the world. it has also been translated into most of the languages of the mankind. Most importantly, during the period of over 1400 years since the Qur'an was revealed, not a single letter was changed. it is the Qur'an that will remain original, undistorted and safe forever; because allah  has guaranteed its saftey and declared very clearly in Surah -Hijr 15:9: This is one of the greatest miracles of the Qur'an.  So, the Qur'an is an enternal and perpetual divine book on the surface of the earth. it will never accept any change and any change and corruption. No one can produce a single verse like that of the Holy Qur'an.    The Qur'an challenged the unbelievers that if they are in doubt about the Qur'an being Allah's Book, they should not produce a chapter like that of the Qur'an. But nobody could dare to accept this challenge till now.   The Qur'an lays down the sketch of Islam and outlines its fundamental faiths and beliefs. it stresses the unity and majesty of allah , the most Exalted, most high as denouñces attributing any partner to Allah.  on the other hand, it contains the practical and ritualistic aspects of islam such as salah, zakah, fasting and Hajj. it also contains moral and ethical codes, criminal laws, Social and economic teachings. The Holy Qur'an promises paradise for the righteous and warns wrongdoers to be punished in Hellfire. The Qur'an is the completed and best guide for living life and seeking Allah's pleasure. the teachings of the Qur'an are universal, addressing all people throughout the world regardless of their creed and colour. They enlighten man's soul, purify his morals, condemn all wrongs, order good deeds and call for the establishment of justice and fraternity. The Qur'an creates proper relations between man and Allah and man with man.  it leads man to understand his role in this world, encourages him to think and ponder, and guides him in the usage of natural resources. In short, the Qur'an provides all the guidance that humanity needs.without the guidance of the Qur'an, humanity would still be groping in the darkness of ignorance. The Qur'an is sprit of our life and fountainhead of guidance. There is no book authentic like the holy Qur'an. Muslims will never lose the right path and go deviant untill they hold fast the Holy Qur'an and Hadith as the prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said in his hajj sermon of hajjrat al-wida:"I leave here among you the book of Allah, if you get hold of it firmly, you will never deviate." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2137) The prophet Allah bless him and give him peace) reminded the mulims some days before he left for his heavenly abode: I leave among you two things; if you hold fast by them you will never go astray: these are: the Qur'an and Sunnah, (Muwatta Imam Malik, Hadith 1395)These verses of the Qur'an and some traditions highlight the importance of the Qur'an its significance for humanity. so, it is necessary for us to learn the Qur'an and follow its teachings.The Qur'an is the soul and backbone of Muslim society. Muslim Society cannot remain alive if it is left without Qur'an. it will ignore and forget the Qur'an, it will die indeed.At this, I conclude my talk praying Allah to guide us all to his right path. Amen!
وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العلمين. 

Sabdullah speech mobail no.9179286058

Monday 24 February 2020

نصرت الہی کے اسباب

نصرت الہی کے اسباب نصرت الٰہی کے اسباب:::
آج پورا عالم اسلام خاک و خون میں لتھڑا ہوا ہے،ہر کس و ناکس پر مظالم کے پہاڑ توڑے جارہے ہیں،خلافت اسلامیہ جو امت کا سہارا ہوتی تھی جانے کب کی داستانِ پارینہ بن گئ،جہاد و جذبۂ جہاد جو امت کو سیف و سناں کا مالک بناتا تھا مفقود بلکہ معیوب بن چکا،عالم اسلام کی بخیا ادھیڑ دی گئ،اس کے حصہ بخرے کرکے اس پر ایسے بے غیرت حکمراں بیٹھا دئے گئے جو امت کے مستقبل پر سیاہ و بدنما دھبہ ہیں،مصر، فلسطین،شام،عراق،افغانستان کے بعد اب ہندوستان پر مظالم کے پہاڑ توڑے جانے کی تیاریاں مکمل ہوچکیں،ایسے میں امت کا آخری سہارا ذات خداوندی بچی ہے،جہاں سے اعانت  و امداد کی امیدیں ہمیشہ قائم رہتی ہیں،لیکن ہزاروں  قربانیاں دینے کے بعد بھی اللہ کی نصرت نہیں آئ،معصوم بچوں کو ذبح کیا گیا،عفت مآب بھنوں کی آبرو پر ڈاکہ ڈالے گئے ماؤں کے آغوش میں ان کے نو نہالوں کو ذبح کر دیا گیا،اسپتال و اسکول تک کو مہلک بموں کو نشانہ بنا کر تباہ کردیا گیا،امت درد سے کراہتی رہی،منابر و محاریب میں سر پیٹ پیٹ کر دہائیاں دیتی رہی،ملتزم و غلاف کعبہ سے چمٹ کر دعائیں مانگی لیکن اللہ کی مدد نازل نہیں ہوئ،فرشتے فتح کی بشارتیں لیے نہیں آئے،اور مستقبل قریب میں اس معجزہ کے رونما ہونے کے اسباب بھی نظر نہیں آتے ہیں،
حضرات:ایسا اس لئے ہوا،کیوں کہ ہم ان صفات سے عاری تھے جو رحمت خداوندی کی باعث ہوتی ہیں،اللہ کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ارشاد فرمایا تھا،کما تکونون کذالک یؤمر علیکم۔تم جیسے رہوگے تم پر ویسے ہی امراء مسلط کئے جائیں گے،آج ہم اپنے اعمال کا جائزہ لیں تو پتہ چلیگا ہم ایمان و یقین کی کیفیات سے کوسوں دور،حق گوئ و راست بازی سے نا آشنا،باھمی اخوت و محبت سے خالی،ہمارے دل معرفت خداوندی،توکل و ایثار،للہیت و تقوی،اور جذبات ترحم سے نا واقف،اور اس کے بالعکس صفات سے بھرے ہوئے ہیں،ہمارا معاشرہ ان تمام بیماریوں کا شکار ہے،جن کے سبب ماضی میں سینکڑوں اقوام کو پیوند خاک بنا دیا گیا تھا،لہذا جب تک ہم صفات تقوی سے آراستہ ہو کر نبوی راہ عمل کو اختیار نہیں کریں گے،نصرت الہی کا نزول نہیں ہوگا۔۔۔
سامعین کرام:قرآن مجید وہ صاف و شفاف آئینہ ہے جو ہمیں اس گروہ کی تصویر دکھلاتا ہے جس پر عنایات ربانی کا نزول ہوا تھا،اس پاکباز و پاک نفس جماعت کی صفات کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے اللہ فرماتا ہے،محمد رسول اللہ،والذین معہ اشدآء علی الکفایہ رحماء بینھم تراھم رکوا سجدا یبتغون فضلا من اللہ ورضوانا۔۔ایک جگہ ان کے عشق خداوندی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے ارشاد ہوتا۔۔رجال لاتلھیھم تجارۃ ولابیع عن ذکر اللہ۔۔نصرت خداوندی کا مستحق یہ گروہ قرآن کا چلتا پھرتا معاشرہ بن جاتا ہے اور مطالبہ کیا جاتا ہے کہ یہ معیار حق ہیں،ان جیسے بنوں گے تو کامیابی و الطاف ربانی ملیں گے،بصورت دیگر ناکام و نامراد ہوجاؤگے۔۔۔واذا قیل لھم آمنو کما آمن الناس قالوا انؤمن کما آمن السفھاء،،،ھر نماز کی ہر رکعت میں اس مؤید گروہ کی اتباع کا مطالبہ ہوتا ہے،اھدنا الصراط المستقیم صراط الذین انعمت علیھم،،،آج ہم نے ان مقربین کی راہ مستقیم کو چھوڑ دیا ہے،اور ضالین و مغضوب علیھم کی راہوں پر چل پڑے ہیں،اسی لئے ہم سے مدد الہی اٹھا لی گئی،اور ہم دنیا کی سب سے ذلیل و بے دست و پا قوم بن گئے اگر نصرت الٰہی چاہئے تو اسی گروہ کی راہوں پر چلنا پڑیگا،

نصرت الہی کے اسباب۔ مصنف ۔ مولانا عثمان صاحب ندوی

نصرت الٰہی کے اسباب:::::
حضرات:قرآن مجید میں اہل ایمان کے گروہ سے خدا نے نصرت و حمایت کے بے شمار وعدے کئے ہیں،ان کے سر پر عزت و احترام کے تاج زریں سجا کر انہیں خلافت ارضی کی گراں بار ذمداری سونپی،ان کی تائید و حمایت کے لئیے نزول ملائکہ کا مژدہ جا نفزا سنایا،ان کے دشمنوں کو بے نام و نشان کرکے ان سے اسکان فی الارض کا عہد و پیمان باندھا،تاریخ کے طویل دورانیہ میں کتنی ہی مرتبہ ایسا ہوا کہ ان کے دشمن لاؤ لشکر کے ساتھ ان کے مقابلے میں آئے،ایسا محسوس ہوا کہ آج چراغ اسلام کو کفر و شرک کے تند و تیز آندھیاں بجھا کر رکھ دیں گی،خرمن اسلام پر شرکیہ بجلیاں کوندیں گی،اور اسے جلا کر راکھ کردیں گی،لیکن جب مقابلہ ہوا تو اچانک نصرت خداوندی کا نزول ہوا،اور بازی پلٹ کر رکھ دی گئ،کمزور و بے بس سمجھے جانے والا گروہ  فتح و کامرانی کا پھریرا لہراتا ہوا لوٹا اور کبر و نخوت سے اکڑی ہوئی گردنیں کاٹ دی گئیں،تکبر و تعلی سے پھولے ہوئے سینے خاک و خون میں لتھیڑ دئے گئے۔۔۔فرمان خدا وندی ہے؛کم من فئۃ قلیلۃ غلبت فئۃ کثیرۃ۔۔۔
حضرات؛لیکن کیا بات ہے کہ نصرت خداوندی کی یہ باد بہاری منقطع ہوگئ،عنایات ربانی کا سلسلہ رک گیا،اور وہی لوگ جو لاؤ و لشکر کی کمی کے باوجود فتح و کامرانی کے علم لہرائے پھرتے تھے،ذلت و نکبت کے ایسے غار میں گرے کے پستیاں بھی طنزیہ مسکراہٹ سے ان کا استقبال کررہی ہیں،بات دراصل یہ ہیکہ ہم میں پہلی والی صفات باقی نہیں رہیں،اسبابِ نصرت الٰہی مفقود ہوگئے،اب شوق شہادت کی جگہ وہن نے لے لی،جرأت و بیباکی کو مصلحت و موقع پرستی کے مشؤوم کفن میں لپیٹ کر اکابر پرستی کی چوکھٹ پر دفن کردیا گیا،خدا ترس،دور اندیش،جرأت مند قائدین کی جگہ ابن الوقت،مصلحت پرست،عافیت کوش،اور زندگی کے دلدادہ افراد نے لے لی،اب وہ باطل سے خائف اور شیطان کے ہرکاروں سے لرزاں و ترساں ہیں،اگر نصرت خداوندی کی پہلے والی بھار دیکھنا ہے تو ان تحریکات سے کلی برأت کا اظہار کرنا ہوگا،جن کی پیشانی پر کانگریس کی مطلقہ اور بی جے پی کی داشتہ ہونے کا منحوس نشان کندہ ہے،یاد رکھیں،اس تند و تیز طوفان کا مقابلہ بوڑھی و خائف قیادت سے نہیں کیا جاسکتا،اور نہ نصرت الٰہی ایسی قیادت پر آسکتی ہے،جس کے جھنڈے و قائدین خدا بیزار جماعتوں کی چوکھٹ پر سجدہ ریز ہوں،
حضرات:ہم پر اللہ کی مدد کیسے آئے نہ ہمارے پاس ایمان و ایقان کی وہ تجلیات ہیں جو ہمیں میدان کار زار میں قائم رکھ سکیں،اور نہ ہمارے پاس توکل و یقین کا وہ دست ہے جو مسائل کی گھتیاں سلجھا سکے،نہ ایمانی بصیرت اور مؤمنانہ فراست ہے،نہ علم  و ادب ہے،نہ ھتھیار و قوت کی فراوانی،اگر مدد الہی مطلوب ہے تو دین حنیف پر از سر نو ایمان لانا ہوگا،کیوں کہ نصرت الٰہی کا وعدہ جانفزا اہل ایمان سے ہے،لاتھنوا ولا تحزنوا وانتم الاعلون ان کنتم مؤمنین،نماز و صبر کے ذریعہ استعانت طلب کرنا ہوگی کیوں کہ فرمان الہی ہے،واستعینوا بالصبر والصلوۃ،باھمی محبت و اخوت پیدا کرنا ہوگی،واعتصموا بحبل اللہ جمیعا ولا تفرقوا واذکروا اللہ کثیرا لعلکم تفلحون:اور محمد رسول اللہ والذین معہ اشدآء علی الکفایہ رحماء بینھم تراھم رکعا و  سجدا یبتغون فضلا من اللہ ورضوانا تبھی رحمت الہی کا نزول ہوگا،یہی نصرت و فتح کا طریق ہے،انہی راستوں سے ماضی میں اللہ کی مدد آئ ہے،اور آگے بھی ان ہی صفات سے آئی گی۔۔۔اب ۔میں اپنی تقریر کو اس شعر پر ختم کرتا ہوں،۔۔۔

Sunday 23 February 2020

Importance of English for Dawah,

if you want to watch a video about this, you can watch by this link
Importance of English for Dawah

ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،. May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!  I want to speak something on the topic
 of 'Importance of English language for 
Dawah.' Allah said in the Holy Quran: وما
 أرسلنا من رسول إلا بلسان قومه ليبين لهم
 فيضل الله من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء 
وهو العزيز الحكميم.      "We did not send any messenger but
 (Speaking) in the language of his people, 
So that he might clearly convey the 
message to them. So, Allah lets go astray 
whom He wills and lets find guidance
 whom He wills. And He is the Mighty, 
the wise."(Sureh Ibrahim,14:4).   Language is a means of communication for people.
 From this viewpoint, every language has
 its own importance. It Can be used to convey
 a message to the speakers of the particular
 language. But, If any language secures
 international status, it grows more significant;
 since it will have a vast prospective for any
 activity to be carried out through that medium.  In the recent age, we see that English 
language is spreading throughout the world. 
it has become internationally popular 
language. people around         the world are not 
only accustomed to using the language, 
rather they feel proud of using it.   They pay attentive ear and respectful look to
 those who speak English. So it is not only a 
medium of communication rather it leaves a lot
 of effect and impact over people. on the other hand, 
English is the language of science and technology.
 The language of the major international media is 
English The anti-Islamic elements spread many  Misconception about Islam and Muslims
 through this language. Therefore, no doubt, 
learning English is very useful and important 
for Dawah purpose. We should learn this
 language due to its importance. We should 
use as source to defend Islam and Muslims .    It is not only allowed to learn 
this language rather it is a kind 
of hikmah (wisdom) which Allah 
ordered to apply in the Verse: 
ٱدع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة
 وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن إن ربك هو أعلم 
بمن ضل عن سبيله وهو أعلم بالمهتدين. "Invite people to the way of your lord with
 wisdom and good counsel, and argue with 
them in the best of manners. Surely, your 
Lord knows best the one deviates from his
 way, anr He knows best the ones who are 
on the right path."(Sureh , al-Nahal, 16:25)          Islam Allows using every lawful means. it 
does not forbid learning a language for good 
reasons as no evil lies in a language. Rather 
it is Sunnah to learn a new language to defend
 Islam and Muslims. The prophet (Allah bless him
 give him peace) was reported to have asked Hadhrat 
Zaid Thabit (May Allah be pleased with him).    to learn Syriac language as 
he did not trust the jews 
who used to communicate him
 in this very language.(Tirmidhi, 
Hadigh 2639)     Dear audience! This is the reason that 
our Ulama and elders have always regarded 
learning English as lawful, rather better for the
 purpose of Dawah. But is uncomfortable that
 they are maligned for sins which 
they never committed.     People blame them they banned
 English learning, whereas what
they banned was the English 
culture, not the language.All 
great Ulama from Shah Abdul Aziz 
Muhaddith Dehlawi and Moulana 
Abdul Hayi Firngi Mahalli down to.   Moulana Rashid Ahamd Gangohi
 and Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi,
 have endorsed learning English
 as language. And how can they 
deny this natural phenomenon 
and fact that,.     Allah sent down countless prophets and 
messengers at different times and places 
with the language of their people. 
These prophets invited people to
 Allah in the 
language their people understand, 
as the verse I recited in the
 beginning says:. وما أرسلنا من رسول إلا بلسان 
قومه ليبين لهم فيضل الله من
 يشاء ويهدي من يشاء وهو 
العزيز الحكميم.   "We did not send any messenger but 
(Speaking) in the language of his people, 
So that he might clearly convey
 the message to them. So, Allah lets go
 astray whom He wills and lets find guidance
 whom He wills. And He is the 
Mighty, the wise."(Sureh Ibrahim,14:4). وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'And the end of our
 call is praise be to
 Allah, the 
Lord of all the worlds!"

Saturday 22 February 2020

Introduction of Islam in English speech

if you want to watch the video on this topic, you can watch through this linkif you want to watch the video on this topic, you can watch through this link
ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،.     May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!   Dear audience! I have been given the
 honour to speak some words about 
'Introduction of Islam' before you. 
May Allah give us taufiq to follow
 the teachings of Islam in all 
spheres life! Allah says in the 
Holy Qur'an: إن الدين عند الله الإسلام.   Verily, the Religion before allah is islam.(Surah 
Aal imaran,3:19) At another place Allah says: 
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل 
منه وهو في الآخرة من اللخاسرين.Ifanyone
desires a religion other than Islam, never will it 
be accepted of him;and in the hereafter he will be in the
 ranks of those who have lost.(Surah aal-imaran, 3:85).  Islam is an Arabic word that means 
'submission' and surrendering to the 
will of the almighty allah. islam is the 
perfect from of the true religion and 
complete way of life.   The basic tenets of Islam include: 
oneness of Allah, belief in prophets 
and messenger, belief in Angeles,
 belief in Heavenly Books, belief in
 Destiny, bilief in Resurrection and belief
 in the Day of judgment, paradise 
and Hell etc.   Islam is a heavenly religion. The prophet 
of Islam is Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah 
bless him give him peace). Those who follow 
Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe 
in all messengers and prophets from 
Sayyidna Adam (peace be upon him)
to Sayyidna Isa (peace be upon him).    According to some traditions, there 
were more than one hundred thousand
 prophets throughout the world. These 
messengers amd prophets  were sent in
 all parts of the world and in all nations, 
whether we know their names or not.      The prophet Muhammad(Allah bless
 him and give him peace) is the last
 of this golden chain. He is the
 seal of the prophets, Upon him
 Allah Almighty completed His
 religion and finished the chain 
of spending prophets.    Now, the unlimited and final religion 
of Allah is Islam. it is the only religion
 that can guide the mankind to the way
 of Allah of Allah and grant them 
deliverance from Hellfire  Dear brothers! Islam is based on five 
major principles: (1),To testify that none 
has the right to be worshipped but
 Allah and Muhammad,is Allah Apostle.
(2) To perform five times Salah daily
 (3) To keep fast in the month of Ramadan.      (4) To pay yearly Zakah to the poor. 
(5) Yo perform Hajj once in lifetime. 
Respected Audience! The Holy Quran 
in the divine book that was revealed 
to our beloved, prophet Muhammad 
(Allah bless him give him and give
 him peace) by Allah.     The Qur'an is the base of all the Islamic 
beliefs and teachings. the prophet of islam,
 Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him
 pease) was born in Makkah. Islam 
 in Malkah. later the prophet
 migrated to Madina, Makka, MaDinah, 
and al-Quds are the holy sites in Islam.             Ka'aba i. Mak'ka is the center to which
 Muslin from around the global face 
in their daily prayers. Muslims 
perform special jumu'ah prayer 
on Friday and celebrate two festivals
 in a year; Eid al-fitr and Eid-al adhha.      Dear brothers! Today Islam is the 
second largest religion of the 
world. There are about 55 countries
 all across the world where Muslims 
are in Majority. most of these Muslim
 countries are in the continent
 of Asia and Africa.   While the other European, American 
and Australian continents have a 
 population of Muslim. Muslims
 constitute have a  considerable
 population of Muslims.Muslims
 constitute one fifth of the seven
 billion human population around the world.  Islam teaches universal brotherhood. 
it is the religion of equality and justice.
 it asserts that all human beings
 are equal with no difference of colour, 
caste and creed. Islam says that the
 best among People is one who is more pious.   The only criterion of 
honour in Islam is piety
 and virtue. Islam
 regards all human beings
 as family of all.    It encourages justice,
 transparency and good 
morals.islam prohibits
 injustice, oppression, social 
discrimination and bad morals.      Here i will conclude my talk with sincere prayers to Allah that he give us taufiq to follow true islam in every walk of life.
وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'

Friday 21 February 2020

Virtues of jumu'ah English speech

visit this to know more about virtues of Juma
الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين، May praise be to Allah, the creator
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon
his family and all his companions!
Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:
ياأيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودى للصلاة من
 يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا
البيع ذالكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون.
(Suresh al-jumu'ah 62 :9)

Dear elders and brothers! Today, in
this noble gathering, I seek your
permission to speak on the virtue
 of Friday. first, I well shed some
 light on the overall virtues of
this day. Secondly, I will mention
 the virtues of junu'ah Salah.
Friday has many distinguished
virtues and features that Allah
 has bestowed upon this day and
 not others. It was narrated that
 Abu huraira and Hudhaifa (May
 Allah be pleased with them)Said: The messenger of Allah (Allah bless
 him give him peace)

 said:'"Allah led those
who came before us away from Friday
 (jumu'ah) The jews had Saturday, and
 Christians had sunday.
Then Allah
 brought us and Allah guided us to Friday.
 So there is Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
And thus they will follow
us on the day of Resurrection,

 and we will be dealt with before
 all other's."(Sahih Muslims:
Hadith 1415)

It was narrated from ibn Aws (may
Allah be pleased with him) that the
prophet (Allah bless him and give him
peace) Said: "The best of your days is
 Friday (jumu'ah).On that day Adam
(peace be upon him)was created; On
 that day the day.
The Trumpet will be blown and on
 that day all of creation will swoon.
 So send a great deal of blessings
upon me, for your blessings will be
 shown to me...."(Abu Dawood, 883)
It was narrated that Abu Huraira (May
Allah be pleased with him) said: The
messenger of Allah (Allah pleased him and
give him pease). On it Adam was created,
on it he was admitted to Paradise and
on it he was expelled from there."
(Sahih Muslim, 1410)
This Hadith includes some of the reasons
 why Friday is regarded as special. The
apparent meaning of the Hadith is that
these virtues do not mean that Friday is
regarded as special because Adam (peace be
upon him) was expelled on a Friday and the
 Hour will begin on a Friday. But intact it means to explain
 that momentous events took place
on this day, So that people make
the most of this day to do righteous
deeds, so that can attain the mercy of
 Allah and ward off his punishment.It was narrated that Abu Lubabah
 ibn 'Abl-Mundhir(may Allah pleased
with him) said: "Friday is the master
 of days, and the greatest of the before
 before Allah. it is greater before Allah
than the day of al-adha  and the day
of al al'-fitr.It has five characteristics: on it Allah
caused Adam to die, on it there is a time
when person does not ask Allah for
anything haram (forbidden), and on it the
Hour will begin. There is no angel who is
 close to Allah, no heaven, no earth, no
wind, no mountain, and no sea that does
 not fear friday."(Ibn Majah, 1074)يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودي للصلاة من يوم
الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا البيع
 ذالكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون."o you who
 believe, when the call for Salah (prayer)
is proclaimed on Friday, hasten for the
 remembrance of Allah, and leave off
business. That is much better for you,
 if you but know."(Surahal-jumu'ah62:9)Many ahadith have been narrated from the
 prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
 him) which explain the virtues of jumu'ah prayer.
 it is narrated from Abu Hurairah (May Allah
 be pleased with him) that messenger of Allah
(Allah bless him and give him peace) said: "The five
expiation for whatever sins come in between then,So long as one does not commit a major sin."
(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 450)it was narrated
 from Abu hurairah that the prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever
does ghusl then comes to jumu'ah, and prays as
much as Allah decrees for him, then listens
 attentively untill the khutbah is over, Then prays with the imam,
his sins will be forgiven for
 between that and thr next
jumu'ah and three more days."
(Sahih Muslim, Hadith no,857)The second virtue is that coming early to jumu'ah
brings a great reward as it is narrated from
 Abu Hurairah (may allah be pleased with
 him) that the messenger of Allah (peace and
 blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "whoever
does ghusl on Friday like ghusl for janabah
then goes to the prayer (in the first hour , i.e,
early ) , it is as if he sacrificed a 🐫 camel. whoever goes in the second hour,
 it is as if he sacrificed a cow;
whoever goes in the third hour, it
 is as if he sacrificed a horned ram;
 whoever goes in the fourth hour,
 it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and
whoever goes in the fifth hour it
 is as he offered an egg.  when the Imam comes out, the angels
come to listen to the khutbah." (Shih
 bukhari 814;SAHIH MUSLIM850)The
third virtue is that if a person
 walks to jumu'ah prayer, for every
step he will have the reward of fasting
 and praying qiyaam for one year.      It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi
 that the messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said:"whoever
 does ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do
ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the
imam and listens and keep quiet, for every step
he takes he will have the reward of fasting and
praying for one year," (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 496).  Acording to scholars of Hadith, the expiation
 of sins from one friday to the next
 is subject to all the condition mentioned
above being met, namely doing ghusl,
 cleaningoneself,applying perfume, wearing
 one's best clothes, walking in a calm and
 dignified manner, not stepping over people,.  Not offending others, praying nafl
prayers, listening khutbah attentively
 and avoiding idle speech. There are other
righteous acts Related of this day.
 praying fajr Salah in congregation on
Friday is the best prayer that the
muslim can pray during the week.As it was narrated that ibn 'Umar
(may Allah be pleased with him) he
said: the messenger (allah bless him
 and give him peace)said: "the best
prayer before allah is fajr prayer on
 Friday incongregation." (al-bayhaqi
 in Shu'ab al-iman)One of the special features of fajr
 prayer on Friday is that it is Sunnah
 to recite Surat al-Sajdah i the first
rak'ah and surat al-Insaan i.e. Suarat
al-Dahr in the second. it was narrated
from abu hurairah (may allah be pleased
with him) that    the prophet (allah bless him give him
 peace) used to recite in fajr prayer in
Fridays surat al-sajdah in the first
 rak'ah and surat al-insaan (al-Dahr)in
 the second. (sahih bukhari, 851;Sahih
muslim880) Al- Haafiz ibn hajar (may
 allah have mercy on him) said:.   The reason why these two surahs are
 recited is because they mention the
creation of Adam and what will happen
on the day of resurrection, because that
will come to pass on a Friday. Another
virtue of this day is that whoever dies
 during the day or night of Friday, Allah
will protect him from the trial of the grave.    it was narrated that 'Abd-allah ibn'
(may allah be pleased with him ) said:
the messenger of allah (allah bless him
 give him peace) said: "thare is no muslim
 who dies during the day of Friday or the
night of Friday but Allah will protect
him from the trial of the grave.
"(sunan al-tirmidhi, Hadith no. 1074).   Deat audience! it is not possible
 to cover the virtue of Friday in
short duration. here, i conclude
my talk with these words: 
وان أن الحمد لله رب العالمين

The life of Muhammad SW Speech in English

Here you can watch the video on this topic by Sabdullah
The life of the prophet (S.W) ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،   May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!  Dear audience! Today i have the pride to 
speak some humble words about the head 
of all prophets and the seal of prophethood
 Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah bless him 
and give him peace) whom Allah called 
mercy for the universe saying: وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين."And we
 have not sent you but as mercy for 
all the worlds." (surah al-anbiya, 
21:107) At another place Allah Ta'ala
 says: وما أرسلناك إلا كافة للناس بشيرا 
ونذير  ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون.  "we did not send you (o prophet ) but to
 the entire mankind, as a bearer of good
 news and as a warner, but most people 
do not know."(surah al-noor, 34:28) The
 prophet (Allah bless him and give him
 peace ) was born in the noble Hashmi
 family of quraish tribes in makkah in 570 ad. His father Abdullah died before his
 birth . later, his mother Aminah and 
grandfather Abdul Muttalib also
 passed away while he was a child. 
so. he was brought up by his uncle
 Abu Talib.  He lived a fair and transparent life as
 young man. he used to graze the goats, 
help his uncle in his affairs and lead a 
simple life. later, he started undertaking
 trade caravans to  Syria. people called 
him al-Sadiq and al-Amin (truthful 
and trustworthy).  He was known in Makkah as honest, 
kind and respectful person. At twenty 
five, he married as a merchant widow 
Khadija who was forty years old. Dear
 audience! The Arabia was in 
miserable condition.  They had no literacy, no civilization
 and no perfect religion. They would
 engage in bloody racial and tribal 
wars. Woman had no status in 
society, even in some tribes
 newborn baby girls were buried 
alive due to Shame.     They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.       They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.  They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.   They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.They forgot the religion of their forefather 
Sayyidna Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
 and Sayyidna Ismail (peace be upon him)
 They took to worshipping idols and converted
 ka'ba into a great idol house. They had 
multiple gods and offered their prayers 
to them.  Other world religions in the sixth century 
had no part in life, Christianity had lost
 the teachings propagated by Sayyidna 
Isa (peace be upon him). Judaism was 
already a racial creed and the rabbis 
turned into looters.  India and other eastern countries 
were in full grip of idolatry and
 statue worship. The spirit of
 Buddhism and Jainism also gave 
way to brahminical
 distortion.  Dear brothers and Sisters! it was a taugh 
time for the humanity. The world was fast 
 asleep in the darknees of ignorance. The 
light of divine guidance was dimly lit at 
rare place. the humanity at large was 
shackled with ignorance, injustice and
 inequality. it eagerly awaited a saviour 
and a true messiah.  At last Allah granted prophet -hood 
to Sayyidna Muhammad (Allah
 bless him and give him peace) 
and sent him as mercy for 
all people. He invited people to
 Allah and condemned idol worship. he
 favoured equality and justice for all.   In The beginning, he and his companions
 faced opposition. they were tortured and 
even forced to migrate to
 madinah. at madinah, the prophet (allah 
bless him and give him peace) established
 an islamic state and conquered the
 whole Arabia within ten years.    The prophet (Allah bless him and give him
 peace) is the most towering personality 
of the history. 
he left immense influence on the human 
history. The prophet changed the course 
of history 
and brought about an all-round positive 
regulation in all spheres of life.    It is the Prophet's blessed
 advent which transformed 
every life and reshaped the 
moral and religious values.   We salute him with the depth 
of our hearts. may the 
blessings of Allah and his 
enetrnal peace upon the

 messenger!   وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'And the end of our 
call is praise be to Allah, 
the Lord of all the worlds!"

Thursday 20 February 2020

Importance of English for Dawah

if you want to watch video about this topic, you can watch by this link
Importance of English for Dawah

ألحمد لله رب العالمين 
والصلوة والسلام على نبيه 
محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى
 آله وصجبه أجمعين،. May praise be to Allah, the creator 
of the worlds, and peace and blessings
 be upon his prophet Muhammad,
( صلعم)
the head of all messengers, upon 
his family and all his companions!  I want to speak something on the topic
 of 'Importance of English language for 
Dawah.' Allah said in the Holy Quran: وما
 أرسلنا من رسول إلا بلسان قومه ليبين لهم
 فيضل الله من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء 
وهو العزيز الحكميم.      "We did not send any messenger but
 (Speaking) in the language of his people, 
So that he might clearly convey the 
message to them. So, Allah lets go astray 
whom He wills and lets find guidance
 whom He wills. And He is the Mighty, 
the wise."(Sureh Ibrahim,14:4).   Language is a means of communication for people.
 From this viewpoint, every language has
 its own importance. It Can be used to convey
 a message to the speakers of the particular
 language. But, If any language secures
 international status, it grows more significant;
 since it will have a vast prospective for any
 activity to be carried out through that medium.  In the recent age, we see that English 
language is spreading throughout the world. 
it has become internationally popular 
language. people around         the world are not 
only accustomed to using the language, 
rather they feel proud of using it.   They pay attentive ear and respectful look to
 those who speak English. So it is not only a 
medium of communication rather it leaves a lot
 of effect and impact over people. on the other hand, 
English is the language of science and technology.
 The language of the major international media is 
English The anti-Islamic elements spread many  Misconception about Islam and Muslims
 through this language. Therefore, no doubt, 
learning English is very useful and important 
for Dawah purpose. We should learn this
 language due to its importance. We should 
use as source to defend Islam and Muslims .    It is not only allowed to learn 
this language rather it is a kind 
of hikmah (wisdom) which Allah 
ordered to apply in the Verse: 
ٱدع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة
 وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن إن ربك هو أعلم 
بمن ضل عن سبيله وهو أعلم بالمهتدين. "Invite people to the way of your lord with
 wisdom and good counsel, and argue with 
them in the best of manners. Surely, your 
Lord knows best the one deviates from his
 way, anr He knows best the ones who are 
on the right path."(Sureh , al-Nahal, 16:25)          Islam Allows using every lawful means. it 
does not forbid learning a language for good 
reasons as no evil lies in a language. Rather 
it is Sunnah to learn a new language to defend
 Islam and Muslims. The prophet (Allah bless him
 give him peace) was reported to have asked Hadhrat 
Zaid Thabit (May Allah be pleased with him).    to learn Syriac language as 
he did not trust the jews 
who used to communicate him
 in this very language.(Tirmidhi, 
Hadigh 2639)     Dear audience! This is the reason that 
our Ulama and elders have always regarded 
learning English as lawful, rather better for the
 purpose of Dawah. But is uncomfortable that
 they are maligned for sins which 
they never committed.     People blame them they banned
 English learning, whereas what
they banned was the English 
culture, not the language.All 
great Ulama from Shah Abdul Aziz 
Muhaddith Dehlawi and Moulana 
Abdul Hayi Firngi Mahalli down to.   Moulana Rashid Ahamd Gangohi
 and Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi,
 have endorsed learning English
 as language. And how can they 
deny this natural phenomenon 
and fact that,.     Allah sent down countless prophets and 
messengers at different times and places 
with the language of their people. 
These prophets invited people to
 Allah in the 
language their people understand, 
as the verse I recited in the
 beginning says:. وما أرسلنا من رسول إلا بلسان 
قومه ليبين لهم فيضل الله من
 يشاء ويهدي من يشاء وهو 
العزيز الحكميم.   "We did not send any messenger but 
(Speaking) in the language of his people, 
So that he might clearly convey
 the message to them. So, Allah lets go
 astray whom He wills and lets find guidance
 whom He wills. And He is the 
Mighty, the wise."(Sureh Ibrahim,14:4). وأخر دعوان أن الحمد لله رب
 العالمين .'And the end of our
 call is praise be to
 Allah, the 
Lord of all the worlds!"

Sunday 16 February 2020

Alif se shuru hone wale Sher Bait bazi

Yah hai alif se start hone wale ashaar Jo Bait baazi me kaam ayenge , dosto ab Hun shuru Kate hai ... Mualhiza kijiye

1. Aey taair e lahooti us rizq se maut achchi

Jis rizq se aati ho parwaz me kotahi .

2.iltija e arz rahmat Kar k art Shah e azal

  Fir ataa Kar dahar ko uska koi nemal Nadal.

3. Aa andleeb mil Kar karein ash o zaariyan

Tu haaye Gul pukar mai chillau haay e Dil.

4.Adaa qatil nigah qatil zubaa qatil Baya qatil 

Bata qatil Kaha jau ? Jaha jau waha qatil...

5. Itna na Apne jaame se bahar Nikal k chal 

Dunya hai chal chalaw Ka rasta sambhal k chal .

Kam zarf pur ghuroor  Zara apna zarf Dekh
Manind josh e kham na ziyada ubal k chal.

Dosto ye tasweer hai hamare bait baazi ki his me hamare team faateh  rahi ...
Thanks 4 reading my first blog.